Episode #0343-Feedback for “6:02am EST”

Apr 27, 2011 | 5 comments

In this episode we discuss the feedback we received for the Fringe episode, “6:02am EST.” We hear some great thoughts on the ZFT, the upcoming season 3 finale, Super 8 easter egg found in the video game Primer 2 and we continue to discuss why the machine rejected Peter.

Send in your thoughts and theories to 304-837-2278 or feedback@thefringepodcast.com.

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  1. Deneph

    How come no one is suspecting the goop that Walter put on Peter’s hands as one reason why he went flying when he touched the machine? He could have been willing to sacrifice Peter but that doesn’t mean he didn’t manage to sabotage him anyway. The goop had to be something besides a nice gesture.

  2. GeigerCounter

    I was wondering about that but I think ultimately it doesn’t make sense. Why would he want to kill him and not save the universe when he can kill him and save it?

  3. Deneph

    I don’t think he necessarily wanted to kill him. I do think it was a gesture of love, he was trying to prevent Peter from getting his hands burned. Maybe he didn’t think it would really help but it was something he could do to protect Peter in some small way. But I think whatever the goop was did something to the ‘connection’ and repelled Peter instead. There has to be something to it.

  4. Xerophytes

    I was surprised that nobody made a point that the universes’ condition would switch. What surprises me more is that some people are still convinced that the blending will happen. I, personally, don’t think it will happen – at least in this season.

    I think this episode pretty much solidifies what the writers’ end game is for the season. The two universes’ would switch… that means blueverse will suffer from many destructions while redverse will have regrowth of life.

  5. Beowulfie

    I think the “member of the team” that will die in the finale could be Jean the cow. She is a team member after all. Just my thought.


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