Episode 0321-Feedback for “The Firefly”

Jan 26, 2011 | 3 comments

In this episode we respond to several of the emails and voice mails we received for the most recent Fringe episoed, “The Firefly.”  We also discuss some of the comments we received regarding our “Marionette” podcast.  We had several first time contributors to this podcast. 

Send in your thoughts and theories to 304-837-2278 or feedback@thefringepodcast.com.

Links discussed in this episode:
Fringe Matters Blog about Grief

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  1. GeigerCounter

    I would just like to point out that the song Mah Na Mah Na is not originally from Sesame Street. It was composed by Piero Umiliani for the exploitation mockumentary Sweden: Heaven And Hell (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0063660/) and the Muppets just reused it later.

  2. Mr Sharper

    I had specific tone of voice for my feedback (laid back but excited). BUT…Clint’s reading of it, to Darrell, gave it A LOT more character . . . you guys are too much!

  3. msagan

    Clint! Altlivia is not pregnant! You couldn’t possibly want Fringe to turn into another “Ross and Rachel” show, right?



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