In this episode we break down our thoughts on the episode, “Do Shapeshifters Dream of Electric Sheep.” We discuss Walter’s leadership role at Massive Dynamic, the seeming contradictions of shapeshifter abilities, how Newton’s death may effect Walternate’s plans and if there are other shapeshifters planted in our government.
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I know you said robots can’t express emotions but they have been known to lie to eachother read and be terrified!
Hi, greetings from Portugal, a very small country near Spain. I have been listening to your podcast through this site, because the difference of hours between continents doesn’t allow me to be part of your live show. I’ve been enjoying your podcast for quite a long time, so keep up with your great work.
Many people say that Newton had no feelings. If that is true, how come he died CRYING? It is quite interesting to draw a parallel between the character Roy Batty, from Blade Runner, and Newton: the first one only lived four years but he had a full life: he saw the universe, he suffered, he fell in love, he dreamed and had plans, he became a leader, met his “creator” and killed him, desired for revenge, but in the end he chose forgiveness and died in peace. And he didn’t die alone, for Deckart was there, watching him in silence.
On the other hand, Newton was the die-hard soldier, faithful to the cause, faithful to Humans. He didn’t allow himself to love and to act like everybody else, he gave up his own life for a cause. He was a being with self-steam and dignity (we saw him taking care of his own body) and he only killed when it was really necessary. Also, it is interesting to notice that shape-shifters are not that many, otherwise, as a leader, he wouldn’t personally knock on the door and talk to another shape-shifter. He is used to being alone and to deal with his own problems alone.
In the end, he is replaced by an irritating cheer-leader with no experience at all in this sort of “disguised” combat and he dies alone in a cell. Alt-Livia even had the indecency to compare him to a vacuum-cleaner! He died because he felt BETRAYED, what a waste of life, time and dreams. It was all for nothing. The others were right: “don’t trust humans, don’t ever think that they respect you. You might as well enjoy your life over here and screw the big plan”. And the last scenes, which show a deep contrast between the tragic, lonely death of Newton and the remorseless Alt-Livia having fun with Peter, only show how Humans can be sometimes so ugly.
I really hope Newton comes back. This was a “villain” that I have learned to respect.
Lots of Love, Sandra Costa