The Fringe Podcast Episode 531-Feedback For Liberty and An Enemy of Fate

Feb 8, 2013 | 2 comments

In this episode of The Fringe Podcast we share some of the amazing feedback we received for the Fringe finale! The responses we redeived for this episode are truly some of the best we’ve ever received. We hear from some who loved the finale and rank it as one of the best of all time, and we hear from others that were very disappointed in the finale and the series as a whole. We hear a story about how Fringe helped bring real life healing, and several people share their appreciation for The Firnge Podcast and the community around it.

We also received several insightful contributions about the paradoxes and time travel introduced in the finale and how it harmonizes with other seasons. Other contributors were able to take a step back, look at the broader picture of the story/series, and offer some great thoughts on the broad reach of the show.

We are tremendously grateful for all the amazing feedback we’ve received over the years and the opportunity to share this experience with you. We hope that you’ll continue to be a part of the great community we have here at Golden Spiral Media.

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  1. yogabon

    What a terrific Finale podcast! Just like our beloved TV show all the best things we loved during the past 5 years were evident in this finale podcast.

    Thank you for the many wonderful hours of listening pleasure.

    May the Fringe in me, honor the Fringe in each of you.


  2. BostonRedVines

    You couldn’t have said it any better, Yogabon!!

    ‘You can burn the skies and boil the seas…but you can’t take my FRINGE (or podcast) away from me.’ – think FireFly song –

    Love you guys!!!


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