Episode 0227-”Jacksonville”

Feb 8, 2010 | 8 comments

In this podcast, we dissect the Fringe episode, “Jacksonville.” We discuss the possible future state of the Fringe team, how Olivia will react to her new found knowledge, and what side William Bell is on. We also chat about the great writing of Ashley Miller and what type of episodes we hope to see the rest of the season. We do have plans to continue to produce fresh podcasts during this long 8 week hiatus, so we discuss those plans as well.

Send in your feedback to 304-837-2278 or feedback@thefringepodcast.com.

Links Mentioned in this Episode:
Small Writing

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  1. Jess

    It’s Zack&Ash!!! They’re a team! 😉

    Unless Ash has absorbed Zack’s entire body and the two have finally become one person. haha

  2. Inkblood

    Anywho, I loved this episode. When does the feedback podcast come on iTunes?

    “i’ve never met anyone who can do the things you can do.”

    • mardarrell

      I just posted it! It usually goes up sometime on Wednesdays.

  3. Inkblood

    “Look out Team Edward, there’s a new shiny boy in town.”
    I’m Team Jacob, so I’m totally fine with that.

  4. Jess

    @Inkblood I was talking about their referencing Ashley Edward Miller for the writing credits – without mentioning that it was written by BOTH Ashley (or Ash) and Zack Stentz, who have been writing partners for years. I found it amusing, that’s all. 🙂

  5. Inkblood

    thanks for clearing that up Jess. I was so confused!

  6. origamiart

    I’m catching up on Fringe and love your podcast, but was sad to hear that this ep 227, is really 127. It’s the NYC 2009 Comic Con interviews with Wu and not the Jacksonville show. I checked on Itunes and they’re both ep 127. I came here and the player won’t play so I can’t tell if it’s on here too. I really love hearing the episode breakdown, discussion and thought for future eps. Thanks for all your hard work.


    • mardarrell

      Thanks for letting us know. This has now been fixed.


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